What is the Best Kind of Bottled Water?

Due to lead-poisoned water in Flint, Michigan (and in several other places), many of us are concerned about drinking water quality (1). We usually perceive bottled water to be better than tap or filtered water. However, studies have shown that our assumptions about bottled water are often not true (2,3). [...]

By | March 22nd, 2016|Health & Hydration Blog|0 Comments

Love, Hydration, and the Honeymoon Effect: What’s the Connection?

Have you enjoyed the bliss and passion of a honeymoon... and then, unfortunately all too common, the disappointing experience of evaporating love? How about the invigorating high of starting a big new project, that seemingly perfect job, or the business of your dreams, and then the eventual decline into routine [...]

By | February 12th, 2016|Health & Hydration Blog, Health Inspiration|0 Comments

3 Simple Secrets to Slow Down Aging

As we get older, many of us sometimes feel apprehensive, concerned, and even scared about aging. I'm no exception. In fact, this is quite natural. I was recently thinking, what are some simple, natural ways to slow down aging, that are applicable to most people? And after contemplating this question [...]

By | November 1st, 2015|Health & Hydration Blog, Health Inspiration|1 Comment

Top Ten Tips for Healthy Hydration

1. Start your day with 2 cups of water, not coffee or tea. We tend to be a bit dehydrated after several hours of sleep, and this is one of the reasons why we often experience mental slowness upon arising, even after getting adequate rest. Although coffee and tea temporarily [...]

By | June 24th, 2015|Info Resources, Health & Hydration Blog|0 Comments

Healthy hydration: Is it simply 8 cups of water a day?

The short answer is No. The better answer is somewhat complicated. In-depth scientific research about hydration is surprisingly limited1. That said, much can be concluded from what is already known. The popular rule of thumb to drink 8 cups of water per day is actually an underestimate for most adults, [...]

By | May 22nd, 2015|Info Resources, Health & Hydration Blog|0 Comments

Help your kids drink (Water) to their health

From The PHILADELPHIA TRIBUNE, May 5, 2015: According to a study in the “Nutrition Journal,” children between the ages of 4 and 13 should be consuming four to six cups of water per every 1,000 calories they eat. Around 75 percent of dietary water comes from beverages and the remaining [...]

By | May 20th, 2015|Media Tidbits|0 Comments